The dataset has been developed for the pathology reporting of resection specimens of primary borderline and malignant epithelial tumours of the ovary, fallopian tubes and peritoneum. It does not include non-epithelial ovarian neoplasms such as germ cell or sex cord stromal tumours or other primary peritoneal neoplasms such as mesothelioma. In those rare cases where more than one primary tumour of different morphological types is present, separate datasets should be completed for each neoplasm. These should include all the elements in this dataset, except for lymph node status which does not need to be documented separately for each tumour.
Minor update to the 2nd edition – Version 2.1 September 2021.
2nd edition – September 2021
The 2nd edition of this dataset includes changes to align the dataset with the World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumours, Female Genital Tumours, 5th edition, 2020. The ICCR dataset includes 5th edition Corrigenda, June 2021. Other minor updates were also included.
This dataset was developed with the kind support of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists (ISGyP).
1st edition – February 2015
The 2nd edition of the dataset for Ovary, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal carcinoma was developed by the following international team:
Domain experts:
Authors of previous editions of this dataset are available here